Team Manager:
Kevin is our Treasurer, and as such is someone you need to familiarise yourself with. Kevin's job is a substantial one, and is only made harder when members fail to pay their subscriptions on time. Please make it easy on Kevin and pay your subs promptly.
VP Music:
VP Marketing:
VP Membership:
Our VP Membership is our VP Membership. It is important that you get to know him as soon as possible. Every week, Our VP Membership makes a note of the attendance of all members, so please make sure that he is aware of your presence at rehearsals and all other events. Please also notify Our VP Membership ASAP whenever your personal circumstances or contact details change. You will also see Our VP Membership giving announcements at the end of every rehearsal. Finally, if you have any friends that you think might be interested in joining HarmonySite Demo, then please let Our VP Membership know.

Music Team
Bass Section Leader:
Bass Section Leader will help with vocal production issues relative to singing the bass part, as well as other musical questions related to the bass part.
More details about this position
Assistant Director Small Groups:
Music Director:
Anthony is our Music Director - the creative force behind HarmonySite Demo. It is through Anthony's experience and talent that HarmonySite Demo hopes to become a truly world-class singing ensemble. Needless to say, it's Anthony that you'll find waving her hands around out the front during every rehearsal. Please abide by her wishes - she really does know what he's doing!
Assistant Director Small Groups:
VP Music:
Baritone Section Leader:
If you are a Baritone, please see Our Baritone Section Leader first for all music issues.
Lead Section Leader:
Tenor Section Leader:
Presentation Coach:
Presentation Team:
Junior MD:
Chorus Administration
General Chorus Contact:
Chief Administrator:
Merchandise Manager:
Funding and Grants Officer:
Alice is our webmaster. He created the website and is responsible for keeping it running smoothly, but is generally <i>not</i> responsible for maintaining the <i>content</i> of the website. If you have any problems accessing the website, please contact Alice.